Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Store completed

Sorry for the delay on a video of the completed store. Here it is, but soon, we start construction again for expansion! Stay tuned for more videos and updates!


Friday, September 5, 2014

We had a great week.

We had a great week. The shop was everything we wanted. Our knitters and spinners were comfortable and happy to have a new inviting place to gather together with all their friends and a chance to make new ones.
Hope to see you all there soon.
Our hours are
Tuesday                  11-8
Wednesday             11-8
Friday                     11-8
Thursday                11-7
Saturday                 10-7
Sunday                   10-7
Closed Monday

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ready! Set! Go!

Finally the video is released a few days late but here it is. We are ready for Monday morning. We still have a lot to do but it's mostly cosmetic....Ok, the video didn't get posted as expected.
Here it is September 2nd and our first day open was a great success. Full house all day!
Thank you everyone for all your help! We could not have done it without you!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Kitchen and restroom almost there. Video and photos.

OK, time to take a break from inventory and building things and give you an update on our progress. We have the kitchenette and restroom almost completed. Lots of tile and cutting. We also had lots of new boxes come in for the back order items. WOW! I thought we did the inventory. The carpet has just been installed, Monday morning, and we have movies and pics. The signs will be ready near the end of the week so I can hang them up and we will have more than a building. The new air conditioning unit is in but not turned on yet. No lights either. We will keep you updated as we approach Y day (Yarn).
Enjoy the  Video      OR...Copy and Past the link below.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

OK it's time to call it quits. Most of our inventory is completed and now back to the web page.
A few more days and we will have all but the back orders completed. Good timing too. We can start working on our part of the shops build out this week and not much time to do so. We will have lots of vids and pics as we start moving in.
OK it's 3:35 and Cascade is done.
We are now moving on to Berroco yarns.
Only a few huge boxes of them. Maybe quick.

Moving on
11:45am Sunday
What a day.....
We have been busy sorting and labeling the new stash.
OK OK ... Inventory.
Day three on Cascade. Here's a pic of the Great table of yarn, 220 Superwash - 60 colors.
We will add more as we go through the day. I think Irina needs my help.... I hear the whip cracking... need to go.

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Time is a moving on and we are busy as bees. (Knitting bees ;o) 
We just placed the beginning of our needle order and thought you might want to know what's in store. We will carry a healthy line of Knitters' Pride, Crystal Palace and Skacel Addi and that's not all. We have Bryspun (Flexible) and Brittany (Birch) along with lots of the little things you're sure to need. We think this will be a great start for the Great wall of needles. Photos coming next week.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Crash Bang!!!!?

Work on our space is developing nicely. We were sad to see they removed a big beautiful tree out in front. It was destroying the sidewalk (also removed). A new tree will be in its place and a nice bed of floral to accompany it. Walls are down and wiring in place. The lighting will follow then we get to work on the tile in the kitchen and restroom. Our award winning mason will deliver a great work of art most consider not worth mentioning. Our kitchen will host Hickory cabinetry to accent the tile work. We hope everyone will enjoy the comfort we intend to deliver. Here are a few pics of the progress so far.
Tree gone

Found some wires



Friday, July 25, 2014

Got Yarn?

We do... Our house has become yarn central with little space to move.
We are advancing into inventory mode and placement of the yarns and venders. We have halve the shelves purchased and assembled with the others on the way. A  few photos of what we have with our Madelinetosh yarns in place.
We promised a full line of Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift. Now it's time to start putting these "cute little babies" on a shelf and in order. Here's a few pics for you.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Catching Up (Is it all uphill? huff, huff, puff, puff ...)

We know it's been a while since we've talked, but time is short and there is SOOO much to do. Here's a few updates.
Last week was such fun. We signed our lease and the very next day demolition of interior walls began. Before the weekend we were choosing paint and tile. Jim has been busy building our sales counter which will be very unique. Pictures soon to come.
This week we will be sitting down with more sales reps. We've already placed an order with Malabrigo and Cascade yarns, with most yarn weights, nice selection and deep color palette for you to choose from, along with four indie dyers and their great selection like Palouse Yarn Company, Alexandra's Crafts, Stitch Jones and Dicentra Designs. We know of another great yarn store opening up in the Vancouver area, Urban Wolves. We are following their blog and trying not to overlap the yarn selections they have chosen to carry. We will carry Madelinetosh brand yarns but will stock their Tosh Merino, Pashmina Worsted, Tosh Chunky, Prairie, Tosh Merino Light and Home (new line). We already have half our Tosh line available for the opening this September 1st and the other half is coming soon. We also have a full color palette of Jamieson's Shetland Spindrift.
There's more to come. We'll keep you posted.
Our location is here, and this is a peek at our store entrance:


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Blizzard Yarn and Fiber is coming together! And Our Journey Begins...

Hello fellow crafters! It's been in the plans for three years. Lots of discussions, lots of planning, lots of demographics, searching for the perfect location, the perfect time and with all of your help and fantastic ideas it's starting to come together. Your new yarn shop will be just off Andresen and 4th Plain, perfectly located in the heart of Vancouver. Tomorrow we will be signing the lease and our journey begins! :) Join us, it will be fun!